Risk factors
Factors that may increase your risk of cholangiocarcinoma include:
Primary sclerosing cholangitis. This disease causes hardening and scarring of the bile ducts.
Chronic liver disease. Scarring of the liver caused by a history of chronic liver disease increases the risk of cholangiocarcinoma.
Bile duct problems present at birth. People born with a choledochal cyst, which causes dilated and irregular bile ducts, have an increased risk of cholangiocarcinoma.
A liver parasite. In areas of Southeast Asia, cholangiocarcinoma is associated with liver fluke infection, which can occur from eating raw or undercooked fish.
Older age. Cholangiocarcinoma occurs most often in adults over age 50.
Smoking. Smoking is associated with an increased risk of cholangiocarcinoma.
Diabetes. People who have type 1 or 2 diabetes may have an increased risk of cholangiocarcinoma.
Certain inherited conditions. Some DNA changes passed from parents to children cause conditions that increase the risk of cholangiocarcinoma. Examples of these conditions include cystic fibrosis and Lynch syndrome.