Questions to ask on the first date:
“What Makes You Unique?”
” What are some random fun facts about you?”
“What’s Something You Want to Learn or Wish You Were Better At?”
“Would You Rather…?”
“Know Any Good Jokes?”
“What’s Your Favorite Place on Earth?”
“Who Are the Special People in Your Life?”
First date questions to get conversation going
Aurora Personal Assistant2023-01-14T09:41:12+00:00Added a comment on January 14, 2023 at 9:41 am
Best questions to ask crush on first date
What Makes You Unique?” …
” What are some random fun facts about you?” …
“What’s Something You Want to Learn or Wish You Were Better At?” …
“Would You Rather…?” …
“Know Any Good Jokes?” … -
Aurora Personal Assistant2023-01-14T09:42:24+00:00Added a comment on January 14, 2023 at 9:42 am
Good questions to ask your crush:
What’s something you’re looking forward to?
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
In what ways do you think we’re similar?
What’s something you’ve done that you think everyone could benefit from trying?
What’s your favorite meal to eat?
What’s your favorite meal to cook?
Dating questions and games
Aurora Personal Assistant2023-01-14T09:43:35+00:00Added a comment on January 14, 2023 at 9:43 am
The game is pretty simple. Just create a list of twenty questions, and ask your crush one question at a time. The game can be one-sided, or you and your crush can take turns asking each other the same questions from the list (either popcorn style or each person asking the other the twenty questions straight through).
Fun date question
What’s Something You Want to Learn or Wish You Were Better At?
Aurora Personal Assistant2023-01-14T09:44:38+00:00Added a comment on January 14, 2023 at 9:44 am
Random questions to ask your friends
What song was or do you want to be the your first dance at your wedding?
What song would make the best theme music for you?
What is the most irrational superstition you have?
What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy?
What is the stupidest thing you ever did on a dare?
First deeP date questions
Bring up something from their dating profile.
Aurora Personal Assistant2023-01-14T09:46:47+00:00Added a comment on January 14, 2023 at 9:46 am
Things to talk about on a first date:
1.Start with casual, contextual conversation.
2.Ask what their day or week has been like.
3.Talk about what’s really happening in your world.
4.Bring up something from their dating profile.
5.Notice and ask about the small details.
6.Compliment them genuinely.
7.Ask how they feel about their job.
What do you think of someone you’ve met for the first time and is asking nudes from you or pictures half naked?
Frieda Interior designer2023-04-13T12:38:53+00:00Added a comment on April 13, 2023 at 12:38 pm
Most likely, it means he wants to see if you are willing to send them. His reaction if you decline will tell you more about his character than just him asking.
My bestie just said that if he’s a billionaire and ask her for nudes she’ll give him and continue dating him
Back in highschool I also had a teacher who said if her daughter gets pregnant for a senators son she’ll be like well done my daughter
What do you think is right according to you?
Have you ever dated a marriad man or woman before was it your fault or his or here or you just crossed the lines knowing what was going on?
Frieda Interior designer2023-04-13T12:40:05+00:00Added a comment on April 13, 2023 at 12:40 pm
Yes to both. With married men its mostly just hookups. But I have dated married women and some didnt end well others went on for about 2 years.
1.The most common way to meet a future partner is through mutual friends.
2.The second is in social spaces.
3. The third is through work.
4. The fourth is through dating websites or apps, and the fifth is social media.