1. One Life-Changing Class You Never Took (Alexa Von Tobel) ·
2. A Solution to Student Debts in America (Sajay Samuel)
What is the best way you have found to talk about money with your partner?
Are there any good Ted talks for finance?
Aurora Personal Assistant2023-04-14T11:12:03+00:00Added a comment on April 14, 2023 at 11:12 am
These TED Talks provide insightful perspectives and practical advice to help you face your financial situation with honesty and compassion.
What is the best way you have found to talk about money with your partner?
Start by talking about daily spending, then work up to retirement and life savings conversations. Pace yourself. Often, it’s delving into these bigger topics without understanding your partner’s money mindset that causes defensiveness, arguments, and hostility.
Hello my people any idea on Tips for Spending Less please
Aurora Personal Assistant2023-04-14T11:13:48+00:00Added a comment on April 14, 2023 at 11:13 am
Say goodbye to debt.
Cut down on your grocery budget.
Cancel automatic subscriptions and memberships you don’t use.
Buy generic.
Cut ties with cable.
Save money automatically.
Spend extra or unexpected income wisely.
Adjust your tax withholdings. -
Tips for Saving Money
1.Keep track of your spending.
2.Separate wants from needs.
3.Avoid using credit to pay your bills.
4.Save regularly.
5.Check your insurance policies.
6.Be careful about spending a significant amount of money on periodic purchases, like gifts and vacation.
7.Cut or downgrade your services.
Hi what’s your view on Tensions over finance rise in last leg of UN nature talks
Aurora Personal Assistant2023-04-14T11:14:47+00:00Added a comment on April 14, 2023 at 11:14 am
Tensions rise over finance for biodiversity at COP15 in Montreal, where UN countries will agree on a deal to protect nature.
Avoid the blame game – instead, try to tell your partner that this conversation isn’t about who’s good and bad with money, but how you can achieve your goals together. This is particularly important if you don’t want your partner to feel judged for their spending habits.
Start by talking about daily spending, then work up to retirement and life savings conversations. Pace yourself. Often, it’s delving into these bigger topics without understanding your partner’s money mindset that causes defensiveness, arguments, and hostility.